Food fortification with folic acid is the vogue. As nutritionists we must wonder why long term watching of folic acid dietary intake is not enoughIn the Lancet 2007, Smith et al report a case of a woman who had well documented anaphylactic responses to 5 mg of synthetic folic acidThis is rare and may be…
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Neural tube defects and oral clefts are among the most common congenital malformations with prevalences of 10-15 per 10 000 and 20 per 10 000 live births, Periconceptional supplementation with folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects. What has been less defined is the effect of folic arid supplementation on other birth defects,…
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The mammalian central nervous system is a very complicated system, with an array of different cell types each with its singular morphology , connections and function. The phenotypic properties of each cell are the product of combinations of expressed gene products peculiar to that cell type. The Allen brain atlas project ( is studying…
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Folic acid, homocysteine and cardiovascular diseaseBMJ 2006, 333, 114-7 Wald and his colleagues have published a meta analysis of Folic acid, homocysteine and cardiovascular disease, judging causality in the face of inconclusive trial evidence.Meta ananysis of cohort studies show significant positive associations betwen serum homocysteine concentrations and ischaemic heart events and stroke. A 3 umol…
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