The Consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower cardiovascular disease risk. Smoking may affect the strength of this association. The objective of this study was to compare the relationship between the frequency of fruit and vegetables intake and cardiovascular disease risk in male current, former and never smokers.A prospective study in men…
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The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends that after a myocardial infarction patients should eat two to four portions of oily fish a week or omega 3 acid ethyl esters. The aim is a daily intake of 1 g of long chain polyunsaturated fish oil and thereby to reduce the risk of…
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Folic acid, homocysteine and cardiovascular diseaseBMJ 2006, 333, 114-7 Wald and his colleagues have published a meta analysis of Folic acid, homocysteine and cardiovascular disease, judging causality in the face of inconclusive trial evidence.Meta ananysis of cohort studies show significant positive associations betwen serum homocysteine concentrations and ischaemic heart events and stroke. A 3 umol…
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