Vitamin A supplementation in children aged 1-4 is an important intervention for improving health and mortality rates in developing countries. Improvements of 20-30% have been observed. Gogia and Sachdev have looked at the value of supplementation in reports on babies aged less than 1 month. There was no benefit from such interventionGogia and Sachdev 2009…
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If ever there was work in progress it is on the topic of vitamin A supplementation in newborns and child survival. Vitamin A supplementation at 6-72 months of age has become a mainline intervention for improving survival in poverty stricken populations. Giving vitamin A supplements to newborns in the first days of life in Asian…
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During 2008 the Lancet has run a fascinating series of articles on malnutrition and deprivation. These are profound contributions to our understanding and knowledge. There is of course correspondence coming in to the Lancet concerning these articles and reveal the complexities of straight forward and sensible ideas.Bhutta at al Lancet 2008 vol 371 pp 417-40…
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