Stamina food for 10 year old footballers

Stamina and Juvenile football teams

I have a grandson who plays in an under 10 year old football team. The boys include several who are included in a Scottish Premier Division Football Academy.
They play with all the commitment and activity of little boys b they always flagged in the second 25 minute half. This left them vulnerable to loosing goals. The team includes several boys from underprivileged homes and whose nutrition is far from good. These boys are often given money to buy a bag of chips as their evening meal. These boys are resistant to any offer of food acceptable to a nutritionist.
So what does one give them to enhance stamina?
One Scottish Premier Division Club gives the players wine gums before the game, presumably as slow release sugar
We gave our young boys a small Mars bar before the game and a similar one at half time and afterwards
The change in stamina was striking in the most demanding game of the season. Hopefully we can persuade them to eat pasta the night before.

Martin Eastwood
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