Origins of obesityThe explanations for the epidemic of obesity that is such a problem to modern man are varied and ingenious. They range from the genetic to the endocrine , amount of exercise and diet.All of these are probably based in fact. One contribution to obesity, which may be central to the problem, is the…
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Pengelly and Morris (Scottish Medical Journal 2009) have reviewed the relative merits of measurements of body mass index and weight distribution. It has been accepted for many years that being overweight or obese, as indicated by a body mass index (BM I) of 25 or over for the former and 30 or over for the…
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This Review in Nature 30th July 2009 is a very important review for Nutritionists to appreciate. It suggests that a family of enzymes the sirtuins have a role in governing the control of both metabolism and genetics. This review looks at sirtuin biology, and the role these proteins have in various age-related diseasesThe sirtuins are…
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