Assessment of hydration biomarkers including salivary osmolality during passive and active dehydration Hydration is so important in physical well being. Hydration state can be assessed via body mass change (BMΔ), serum and urine osmolality (Sosm, Uosm), urine-specific gravity (Usg) and urine volume (Uvol). As no hydration index has been shown to be valid in all…
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Determinants of fat-soluble vitamin status in patients aged 65 years and over In the elderly, malnutrition is common and a major contributor to increased morbidity and mortality. This study looked at the fat-soluble vitamin status and potential determinants in patients >65 years of age. Serum vitamins A, D and E were determined by liquid chromatography…
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Since the beginning of the century, the mammalian sirtuin protein family ( SIRT1–SIRT7) has received much attention for its regulatory role, mainly in metabolism and ageing. Sirtuins act in different cellular compartments: they deacetylate histones and several transcriptional regulators in the nucleus, but also specific proteins in other cellular compartments, such as in the cytoplasm…
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Body-mass index (BMI) and diabetes have increased worldwide, whereas global average blood pressure and cholesterol have decreased or remained unchanged in the past three decades. The authors of this paper measured how much of the effects of BMI on coronary heart disease and stroke are mediated through blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose, and how much…
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Commensal gut bacteria benefit their host in many ways, for instance by aiding digestion and producing vitamins. In this study the authors report that commensal bacteria can promote intestinal epithelial renewal in both flies and mice. Interestingly, among commensals this effect is most specific to Lactobacilli. Lactobacilli stimulate NADPH oxidase (dNox/Nox1)-dependent ROS production by intestinal…
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