Monthly Archives: March 2010

Thermogenesis and obisity

Adaptive reduction in thermogenesis and resistance to lose fat in obese men Adaptive thermogenesis is defined as a greater than predicted change in energy expenditure in response to changes in energy balance. This issue is particularly relevant in the context of a weight-reducing programme in which diminished thermogenesis can be sufficient to compensate for a…

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colorectal cancer

EpidemiologyIn a review of colorectal cancer Cunningham et al March 20th Lancet 2010 discuss the risk factors in developing cancer of the colon. One million individuals world wide will develop cancer of the colon. They state that most cases arise sporadically. Risk factors include age, male sex, previous colonic polyps, and environmental factors ( e.g.…

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new UK-WHO growth charts

In April 2006 the World Health Organisation published a new growth In April 2006 the World Health Organization published a new growth standard for children aged under 5 years. They were based on the growth patterns of healthy infants in United States, Norway, Oman, Brazil, India , Ghana, born at full term whose mothers were…

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vitamin A supplements in neonates

Andrew Prentice in the BMJ 20th March 2010 comments on a linked randomised controlled trial, where Benn and colleagues ( BMJ 20th March 2010 ) assess the effect of giving high dose vitamin A supplements to low birth weight neonates in Guinea-Bissau. They found no effect on infant mortality, although boys tended to benefit but…

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ulcerative colitis and linoleic acid

Wood 2009 IBD: High dietary intake of linoleic acid more than doubles the risk of ulcerative colitis,Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology 7, 65 A high dietary intake of linoleic acid—an essential n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid found in red meats, polyunsaturated margarines and various cooking oils—more than doubles the risk of developing incident ulcerative colitis, according…

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grapes and cognitive impairment

Alzheimer’s disease is the cause of 60 to 80 % of cases of dementia ,there are some 25 million cases Worldwide which are expected to rise. Mild cognitive impairment identifies individuals with elevated risk for dementia, and some 10% a year progress to Alzheimer’s disease.Even age-associated memory impairment, formally called benign forgetfulness, may be associated…

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mitochonria and post trauma illness

These are such ingenious and clever two papersSerious physical injury, or trauma, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, Patients who survive the initial trauma, despite medical and surgical care, often remain critically ill. One cause of this extension of danger is the systemic inflammatory response syndrome with shock and compromised function of…

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Mosquitos and human odours

The malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, is involved in the deaths of about one million humans every year. The female mosquitoes feed on human blood and whilst sucking their victim’s blood the mosquitoes unwittingly transmit the malaria causing parasite that threatens half of the world’s population. The number of people world wide who get malaria each…

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